Overseeding in Salt Lake

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?Overseeding can be great for your lawn BUT make sure to get the right type of seed?
Here is a video describing the different types of seed and which is best for you.

Hey guys, earlier this week we talked about what type of seed you should buy when you're over seeding your lawn and specifically where to buy it, and where not to buy your seed. So, now that we've talked about that, let's talk about different types of seed as far as the same seed but different cultivars, different brands. Well, I say this because just because you buy a Kentucky Bluegrass or perennial rye or a blend of the two does not mean they are anywhere near the same quality. So let's flip this around and show you exactly what we look at.

So this these are the this is the brand we use the really great brand wheat. This is used on sports fields, golf courses, really premium seed. This particular one, if you look at these stickers, this is where you can see what type of seed is in here. This is an 80%, Kentucky Bluegrass, 20% perennial rye, you'll look at your germination rate, the percentage of the seed that's in these these mixtures. So this seed, you're going to spend a lot more money but you are going to get way more germination, way higher quality of seed it's going to do much better with kids with heavy traffic playing on the lawn, more resistant to disease. Also, another huge thing is to look for this one has what's called Yellow Jacket. It's just a seed coating. So a couple of this really absorbs moisture so it holds moisture to get quicker germination, faster growth, but it also has a fungicide in there to help the root development. Keep the fungus away from it really helps with group development so you get more grass, quicker growth and just an overall healthier lawn. So please don't skimp out when you're buying seed. Make sure you buy really good seed, you will definitely not regret it. Also go ahead and look back at the other video from this week to look and see what type of seed we use for most all of the lawns here in the Salt Lake Valley. We're back here now doing a slit seeding at a customer's yard now, so it's gonna be even thicker next year. I hope you guys have a good day. If you need any help on how to overseed in Draper, let us know. I'll see you later.

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